Hello, just sharing.

I started blogging when I was 13.. because it was the trend, and I wanted to be cool like my friends .😆

When I re-read my older blogs, I cringe, laugh and cherish previous writings. Ohh the younger me hahahahah!

It's been years since I blogged. Why am I creating a new blog in the middle of the night right nowww?  Beats me.

I have no idea where I am going with this blog. It could be a spur of a moment thing, something which I start and archive after a while, just like the many other blog seedlings I have planted in the past.

OR it could just flow and be here to stay... Oh well, we'll see.

"Impression without expression leads to depression." 

The quote above popped up on my mind this very night and impelled me to do this.

For years I loved writing, putting thought to paper gave me perspectives and an outlet for expression. It was my go to - journaling throughout the seasons of my life. My journal was all my emotions. I pour everything into it, rest and regenerate. 

My heart has been so heavy lately. I realized all I did was consuming content like videos, articles, music, social media posts.... and foooood!

Could it be what it needs is to stop consuming and turn it to expressions. Expressions of all the feels that have been going on in this hyperactive mind of mine. Maybe through writing again, I could bring more clarity and structure to my thought processes. 

Ok so yeah, I should go. Not sure where this is going but heyyyy, the youthful feels of blogging during my teenage years is back hahahhahaha jk.
